Showing posts with label Clifton Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clifton Gardens. Show all posts

Oct 7, 2022

Australian Kelpie Statue

On the harbourside walk from Taronga Zoo wharf to Clifton Gardens you will pass by this life-sized bronze statue of an Australian Kelpie in Clifton Gardens Reserve.

The sculpture is named 'Alinta.'

(above) Photo of the artist, Helen with her sculpture taken June 2023.

View my earlier post showing photos of dog statues, taken around different parts of Sydney.

View my Taronga wharf to Clifton Gardens post. From Clifton Gardens you can extend the walk to Balmoral Beach, or catch a bus to South Mosman wharf from Chowder Bay bus stop past the end of the beach and upstairs.

Aug 11, 2012

Taronga Zoo to Clifton Gardens

We started this harbour side walk by catching a ferry to Taronga Zoo wharf. We first walked part of the Curlew Camp Artist's Walk in Sirius Cove Reserve, before retracing our steps.           Location map 

From the wharf we followed the path past the lower Zoo entrance to Bradley's Head. A 'Memorial Mast' dominates Bradley's Head. The mast was removed from Sydney (I) when decommissioned in 1928, and was erected at Bradley's Head in 1934. The memorial represents a mark of respect and recognition of the Australian officers, sailors and ships lost at sea and in combat

HMAS Sydney (II) Memorial plaque

Fig tree, Bradley's Head

     Bradley's Head also has stonework from old military fortifications (see info at Mosman CEFE)

Taylors Bay, Sydney Harbour

Clifton Gardens Reserve, Chowder Bay

This is a 5 Km walk took us through part of Sydney Harbour National Park . At Cliffton Gardens we caught a 111 bus back from Chowder Head Bay Road to the City. You could also return to the Zoo wharf.
My thanks to our leaders for this very picturesque walk. While this post is another Sydney walk.