Showing posts with label Balmoral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balmoral. Show all posts

Apr 8, 2016

Mosman Bay to Balmoral

 Our walking group, started this 9km walk at Mosman Bay wharf. It continues on from my earlier post of the walk I did from Cremorne Point.

Robertsons Point - Cremorne Reserve

 Cremorne Point from Mosman Bay

Little Sirius Cove

Divert from the trail at Bradleys Head to inspect these 1871 gun emplacement and fortifications.

We then followed the track around Taylors Bay to Chowder Bay where we ate lunch.
 (more photos in my Taronga Zoo to Clifton Gardens post)

We completed our walk to Balmoral where we caught a bus back to the city. [More recently buses go to St Leonards]

 Across the road from the beach I was shown this cutting (photo right) - part of the route of the Balmoral Tramway (1922 to 1957)

More info:      

Wildwalks - Taronga Zoo to Balmoral 

        Harbour Trust


Oct 30, 2014

Balmoral to Middle Head

This blog has looked at North Head several times as well as South Head, but until recently I had never visited 'Middle Head' opposite the entrance to Sydney Harbour.

Hunters Park Rotunda

Our walk of around 3.5Km started at Balmoral Beach, followed the path around Balmoral Oval, through Balmoral Park (map link) then up a long series of steps to the ridge top. (see photos below)

Balmoral Beach

To see the spectacular view from above Obelisk Bay (below), we took the side path that leads down to Chowder Bay and Taronga Wharf (see earlier post), before returning to Middle Head Rd.

Historic gun emplacements, Middle Head

    Location map

Middle Head is part of Headland Park, on land formerly occupied by Defence bases. Tunnels and gun emplacements can be seen at the end of Old Fort Rd. and there are other unfenced gun pits around the site.
The fortifications were mostly built between 1870 and 1911.

See also Rocky Point Is. post                                                       'Wildwalks' info

We caught a 244 (Chowder Bay to City) bus back from Middle Head Rd.  (map link)   Doing the walk in reverse may be easier.           

Sep 11, 2014

Rocky Point Island - Balmoral

Rocky Point Island separates Edwards Beach from Balmoral Beach on Hunters Bay, Middle Harbour. The small island is connected to the Esplanade by a bridge, built as a government employment project during the Great Depression, as was the Bathers’ Pavilion.

Rocky Point Island, looking towards Sydney Heads
The Mediterranean style 'Bathers' Pavillion' on Edwards Beach (below), was built in 1929, and now houses a restaurant, cafe and function rooms. See also Balmoral to Middle Head post

 I travelled to Balmoral by ferry to Taronga Zoo, then bus from the wharf
and returned by bus to Wynard station.  

  Location Map (Chrome)

Ref: Mosman Historical Society - 'Historic Guide to Balmoral'