
Oct 22, 2015

Woronora River

We started our Woronora walk at Jannali station in the Sutherland Shire, south of Sydney, then through the Burnum Burnum Sanctuary (named after the late Aboriginal activist).

The sanctuary 'contains ... a variety of soil conditions supporting a rich diversity of native plant communities from the Sydney Ridgetop Woodland down through Sandstone Gully Forest on the west facing slope to the riverflats and mangroves, interesting rock platforms and caves.'  [Kaimiaway]

I was impressed by the four-lane 521m long Woronoria River Bridge, which includes a wide shared pedestrian walkway and cycleway suspended below the northern deck. The bridge, completed in 2001, won the 2002 Australian Construction Achievement Award. (ACAA)

 Woronora River, Woronora

The pedestrian bridge (above), is at the end of Park Street Woronora.
My GPS trace stops at the reserve on the western bank. We extended our walk from there to the bus stop opposite the RSL club, where we caught a bus to Sutherland station.

                                        Location Map


Oct 11, 2015

Pippas Pass - Blaxland

Pippas Pass at Blaxland in the lower Blue Mountains, is an extension of the Florabella Pass walk from Warrimoo. Our aim on this very warm day, was to examine/enjoy/photography some of the Spring wildflowers we came across along the way.

The white flowers above are  Philotheca sp. formerly Eriostemon

The orange-yellow pea flowers are
one of many species commonly known as 'egg and bacon' 

Grevillea sericea

We started this short walk near the Blaxland Library car park. Some of us continued on the track and turned off at the Ross Cr. rock outcrop exit (see 'wildwalks') while others returned the same way.
(Returning to the library via Ross Cr. and the Great Western Highway is ~3.7 Km)