
Mar 24, 2013

Woodford Academy

Woodford Academy, dates back to the 1830s, making it the oldest group of buildings in the Blue Mountains. It's first use was as an inn called the 'Woodman', which served travellers on their way between Sydney and the western plains. It has had many owners and has served many other uses since then, including: a school, a guest house and a private residence.

The the railway station, adopted the name Woodford in 1871, after the renamed 'Woodford House', then owned by Alfred Fairfax. It latter became 'Woodford Academy', a school for 'young gentleman'.

In 1979 it was gifted to the National Trust of Australia, which has renovated and maintained the heritage property.

    Woodford Academy Open Days                Mid Mts Historical Soc.                      Location map

My thanks to the volunteer guides from Friends of Woodford Academy

Ref.  'A Brief History of Woodford Academy' - Friends of Woodford Academy

1 comment:

  1. Funny thing, the academy has never made it into BMJ. I have thought of doing so quite often but never get around to it. Your shots of it are good.
