
Jun 10, 2012

Charles Darwin Walk Revisited

One of my favorite walks in the Upper Blue Mountains, in a beautiful little gully, leads from a park not far from the Wentworth Falls village centre, down to the falls. 'The swamps of Jamison Creek filter and clean the water that flows over Wentworth Falls, helping to protect rare species.'

Jamison Creek

Weeping Rock

You can see more photos of this walk on my earlier post. A little further than Weeping Rock, you reach a junction, with tracks to lookouts and the picnic ground. This is the starting point for other walks such as the National Pass walk.

        Walk info from Wild Walks                                 Location Map


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree this is a great walk .. and doesn't involve steep climbs so even better in my opinion.
