
May 27, 2011

Kings Tableland - Wentworth Falls

Bushwalking in the Blue Mountains on cloudy or misty days can yield some interesting variations from those photos taken on sunny days. On this walk, we started from Wentworth Falls station and followed Darwins Walk, to cross Jamison Creek above Wentworth Falls, then onto Kings Tableland.

An Acacia sp.(left) growing in tough windswept conditions on the edge of Kings Tableland.
The Kings Tableland area is known as a ancient Aboriginal cultural site, with some artefacts from a cave having been dated to 25,000 years old.

Kings Tableland above Jamison Valley

Creek crossing above Wentworth Falls

Queens Cascade (left) on Jamison Creek, just above Wentworth Falls.

            Location map

'Wildwalks' information 

Our thanks to John Masser our walk leader


  1. The mist adds an ethereal touch to the photos! Looks like an interesting walk.

  2. The shots of the falls are magnificent.

  3. That was a long walk. Just Darwin'a walk is enough for me. I really like the acacia shot.

  4. What a beautiful spot! It's a blast to see other parts of the world.

  5. Stunning shots. I particularly like the softness the mist brings to the shots.
